nous sommes ensembleD

“Nous sommes ensemble” or in English “we are together” was the first inspiration when creating and naming ensembleD. From the time Vincent began his training in his home country of France to now, he has always felt that there should be more unity in all we do. By working together with a client through listening first, better relationships can be formed, and thus better design solutions are created. 

A building is more than its intended use. It’s an impact on the people, the environment, and its surrounding community. Every space should tell a story, create inspiring memories, and be firmly rooted within the community. This is why we design not for anywhere but for somewhere.   

client focused

The driving force behind ever project is the client. No matter the size of the project, we strive to serve each client with the same level of care and respect, while being focused on their objectives, including time and budget.

building on values

Behind every action there should always be something of true purpose and high value. It is with this mindset that ensembleD exists today and why the first letters of our name are lowercase and the last capitalized. We believe in humility. As professionals in the Architecture and Engineering field we are always humbled at each opportunity to serve our clients and community. We are here to guide each client to achieve their goals in the design and future function of their building.

The capitalized letter D has three meanings: “Dieu”, Design, and the action of unity/being together. Dieu is French for God. We acknowledge that God is the ultimate designer having created all the order, complexity, and beauty we see in the world around us. We, as designers, are merely only copying His work and strive to preserve and display it by applying fundamental sustainable principles.

Many firms consider themselves to be multi-disciplinary, but very few combine the expertise of architecture and engineering into one seamless practice. Taking the design principles he developed in France, and expanding on them in the United States, Vincent has created a design process that brings in harmony the creativity of purposeful architecture and effective engineering. By approaching designs with a true multi-disciplinary mindset of both architectural creativity and engineering skill, we aim to create a seamless design in every project we have the privilege to be involved in.